Thursday 7 April 2016

Environmental Stewardship.

Environmental Stewardship:
This refers to the responsibility UK farmers have towards the environment. Environmental
Stewardship is an agri-environment scheme that provides funding to farmers and other land
Managers in England who deliver effective environmental management on their land.
The primary objectives of Environmental Stewardship are to:
  •        Conserve wildlife (biodiversity)
  • ·         Maintain and enhance landscape quality and character
  • ·         Protect the historic environment and natural resources
  • ·         Promote public access and understanding of the countryside
  • ·         Protect natural resources.

There two are different levels of environmental stewardship:
  • Entry Level Stewardship is a ‘whole farm’ scheme open to all farmers and land managers who farm their land conventionally. 
  • Higher Level Stewardship will be combined with entry level to deliver significant environmental benefits in high priority situations and areas.

Management options available for each level are:

Entry level
Higher level
Arable land

·         over-wintered stubble, beetle banks

·         flower-rich grass margins
·         fallow plots for ground-nesting birds such as lapwings
·         unharvested conservation headlands to provide winter food for birds

·         maintenance and restoration of species-rich, semi-natural grassland
·         restoration of wet grassland for breeding waders and wildfowl
Boundary features
·         management of hedgerows, stone walls and ditches
·         maintenance of hedgerows of very high environmental value

Buffer strips

2.4 or 6 m buffer strips on
·         cultivated land/rotational land
·         intensive grassland/organic grassland

Encouraging a range of crop types

·         under sown spring cereals
·         wild bird seed mix/pollen and nectar seed mix in grassland areas

Moorland and upland rough grazing
·         moorland and rough grazing, management of rush pastures
·         restoration of moorland

Lowland grassland and heath
·         taking field corners out of management
·         permanent grassland with low or very low inputs
·         restoration and maintenance of heathland

Management Plans
·         soil management plan
·         nutrient management plan
·         manure management plan
·         crop protection management plan (entry level only)

Protection of soils

·         management of high erosion risk cultivated land
·         management of maize crops to reduce soil erosion
·         grass areas within fields to prevent erosion or run-off
·         seasonal livestock removal to prevent erosion or run-off
Trees and woodland

·         protection of in-field trees – arable/grassland or rotational grassland
·         management of woodland edges
·         restoration of woodland
·         retention of ancient trees in arable fields
·         restoration of traditional orchards
Protection of historic features
·         taking archaeological sites out of arable production

·         restoration of traditional water meadows
·         maintaining high water levels to protect archaeology
Inter-tidal and coastal

·         maintenance of sand dune systems
·         restoration of coastal saltmarsh
Permissive access

·         permissive footpaths
·         permissive bridleways
·         upgrades of ‘open access’ land
·         educational access

·         maintenance of ponds of high wildlife value
·         maintenance of reedbeds

(Grid is from the internet not my original work)

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