Thursday 7 April 2016

Types of farming.

Farming Types:

Intensive - A high amount of INPUTS are put into these systems so that outputs are maximised.  In Poorer nations this has traditionally been Labour Intensive, where huge amounts of man power are put into the system to maximise output. In richer nations this tends to be Capital Intensive, where huge amounts of money for resources and technology are put into the systems to maximise outputs.

Extensive - This farming uses large areas of land with low inputs and outputs per unit area of land.

Commercial - This type of farming is where produce is reared or grown for sale.  This ranges from small family farms to huge TNC backed farming corporations.

Subsistence - This is where the food grown is largely for the consumption by the people growing it, with little or no surplus for sale

Arable - the growth of crops such as Barley, Wheat, Rice, cotton.

Livestock - The rearing of animals for their milk, eggs, skins, meat etc.

Mixed - a combination of growing crops and keeping animals.

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